Over 100 students are involved in Skule(tm) Nite each year. Many
students return year after year because being involved with the show is
such a fun time. However, a combination of new and experienced people is
needed to keep the tradition of Skule(tm) Nite going. If you want to know
how you can contribute, please keep reading.
Becoming a Brain or Production Team member The preparation for a new show
begins soon after the previous show is over. Positions such as director are selected from
experienced Skule(tm) Nite veterans. The producer selects his or her production team
members based on recommendations and experience. Once a core group of people is
established, others are recruited. There is a lot of work involved in bringing Skule(tm)
Nite to the stage, so any offers to help are welcome. Visit the Brains and Production
pages to see what positions are available, or to see in what area you'd be interested in
helping out.
Auditioning for cast:
Cast auditions for this year are over. Thank you to everyone who tried
out for cast. Approximately 60 people auditioned. For a listing of the 20
people who were chosen to be the Skule(tm) Nite 2002 cast, check out the cast page. Next year's auditions will likely be in early
Pit band:
Most of the musical numbers in the show are accompanied by live music
from the band. Auditions for this year's band have already been held. If
you're musically inclined, be sure to keep Skule(tm) Nite in mind next
Becoming a crew member:
Prior to runthroughs and the performances, crew members spend time on
weekends building the many sets and props needed for the show. During the
show, these same people become the stage and tech crew. Everyone is
welcome to attend building sessions and to become crew members - just send
an email asking us to fill you in on all the details. If you have a
specific interest in sound, sound effects or lighting please state this
in your email.
Contributing Material to the show:
If you have a funny sketch idea and want to share it with the writers,
please contact skulenite.skule.ca.
If we think you can be trusted, then maybe we'll invite you to our super
secret hilarious writers' meetings. We don't publicize the writers'
meetings because we don't want material leaking out before the show and
ruining the super secret hilarious surprises.