Tiffany Conroy: Producer
Enough about Tiffany. More about the people who help her:
Monika Go: Programme
The lovely and talented Monika is reprising her role as programme
layer-outer. For other previous shows, she has done web and graphic
design, as well as performed the glamorous job of programme hander-outer.
Marion Hill: Sponsorship
It costs more money to stage Skule(tm) Nite than we make in ticket
sales. Thanks to the generous donations of our sponsors and the persistant nagging skills
of Marion, we manage to scrounge up enough cash to subsidize your
ticket. You're welcome.
Kristin Hofstee: Ticketing
Kristin has the wisdom from having once been the producer. She
understands better than most that we must sell tickets in order to have a
show. Or more accurately, pay for it.
Chris Langley: Photographer
Chris has some serious tricks up his sleeve. Come to the show and
you'll find out what they are ...
Mary Rebello: Skule(tm)
There are some students in fourth year who have never seen a single
performance of Skule(tm) Nite. They have no idea what they are missing.
Mary will try and reach these people, saving them from their own
Carrie Smith: External
Skule(tm) Nite is a show for everyone - not just engineers - but the
only way non-engineers will know that is if Carrie tells them. She'll
canvas the campus, contact the papers and invite other faculties and
colleges to come.